VI: Return of the Jedi
unused footage:
scenes 61 - 70
"Vader's shuttle swung around the unfinished portion of
the Death Star and settled fluidly into the main docking bay. Soundless
bearings lowered the Dark Lord's ramp; soundless were his feet as
they glided down the chilly steel. Chill with purpose were his strides,
and swift.
"The main corridor was filled with courtiers, all awaiting
an audience with the Emperor. Vader curled his lip at them - fools,
all. Pompous toadys in their velvet robes and painted faces; perfumed
bishops passing notes and passing judgements among themselves -
for else who cared; oily favor-merchants, bent low from the weight
of jewelry still warm from a previous owner's dying flesh; easy,
violent men and women, lusting to be tampered with.
"Vader had no patience for such petty filth. He passed them
without a nod, though many of them would have paid dearly for a
felicitous glance from the high Dark Lord."2
this scene was tentatively scheduled to be filmed on Feb. 18, 1982.
he reached the elevator to the Emperor's tower, he found the door
closed. Red-robed, heavily armed royal guards flanked the shaft,
seemingly unaware of Vader's presence. Out of the shadow, an officer
stepped forward, directly in Lord Vader's path, preventing his further
"'You may not enter,' the officer said evenly.
"Vader did not waste words. He raised his hand, fingers outstretched,
toward's the officer's throat. Ineffably, the officer began to choke.
His knees started buckling, his face turned ashen.
"Gasping for air, he spoke again. 'It is the ... Emperor's
... command.'
"Like a spring, Vader released the man from his remote grip.
The officer, breathing again, sank to the floor, trembling. He rubbed
his neck gently.
"'I will await his convenience,' Vader said.He turned and looked
out the view window. Leaf-green Endor glowed there, floating in
black space, ..." 5
Note: the mysterious image above appears
to be another moment from scene 70. The officer is clearly Moff
Jerjerrod, the Death Star commander, and is likely being choked
by the Force-grip of Vader (off-screen). Both guards are facing
forward; close examination of the one on the right shows that his
lowered weapon looks to be aimed at something in front of Jerjerrod,
rather than directly at him. Presumably both guards have their attention
on the approaching Darth Vader, and are set defend the Emperor's
command for strict personal solitude.
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1, 6 - Star Wars: The Action Figure Archive, edited by Stephen J.
Sansweet with Josh Ling. San Francisco: Chronicle Books, ©1999.
2, 5 - Return of the Jedi novelization by James Khan, a Del RayŽ
book, published by Ballantine Books.
3 - The Making of Return of the Jedi, edited by John Phillip Peecher.
New York: Ballantine Books, 1983.
4 - image source unknown. Image courtesy of T'Bone's
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