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Return Of The Jedi
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Episode VI: Return of the Jedi


Here is a list of original textual sources known to exist for what eventually became Star Wars - Episode VI: Return of the Jedi. Some of the texts are publicly available and can be downloaded here.

Star Wars, Episode VI: Revenge of the Jedi, by George Lucas, first draft, handwritten, February 20, 1981    
Star Wars, Episode VI: Revenge of the Jedi, by George Lucas, rough draft, February 24, 1981    
Revised rough draft with original notes, June 12, 1981    
Star Wars, Episode VI: Revenge of the Jedi, by George Lucas, revised rough draft, June 12, 1981, typed [1]   .doc - 236 KB
Revenge of the Jedi story conference transcript, July 13, 1981 through July 17, 1981, George Lucas, Howard Kazanjian, Richard Marquand, Larry Kasdan    
Second draft, September 21, 1981    
Handwritten changes to Scene 61 from Howard Kazanjian    
Star Wars, Episode VI: Revenge of the Jedi, story by George Lucas, screenplay by Lawrence Kasdan, second draft, September 21, 1981    
Return of the Jedi by Lawrence Kasdan and George Lucas, revised second draft, November 1, 1981, including handwritten notes    
Star Wars, Episode VI: Return of the Jedi, screenplay by Lawrence Kasdan and George Lucas, story by George Lucas, revised second draft, November 11, 1981    
Star Wars, Episode VI: Return of the Jedi, screenplay by Lawrence Kasdan and George Lucas, story by George Lucas, third draft, December 1, 1981 - Larry and George's changes    
Star Wars, Episode VI: Return of the Jedi, screenplay by Lawrence Kasdan and George Lucas, story by George Lucas, third draft, December 1, 1981 - (Larry's version)    
Public Draft*    
Public Draft with Special Edition supplement*    
Star Wars, Episode VI: Revenge of the Jedi by Lawrence Kasdan and George Lucas, from the Novel by George Lucas, September 21, 1981 - (unauthenticated screenplay)   .doc - 259 KB
Star Wars, Episode VI: Revenge of the Jedi by Lawrence Kasdan and George Lucas, from the Novel by George Lucas, December 19, 1982 - (unauthenticated screenplay)*   .txt - 185 KB

*not listed in Star Wars - The Annotated Screenplays

1 - screenplay courtesy of Starkiller: the Jedi Bendu Script Site.