VI: Return of the Jedi
unused footage:
scenes 11 - 20
From the
monster then turned and started for Luke."
"But the Jedi Knight leaped eight meters straight up and
grabbed onto the overhead grate. The crowd began to boo. Hand over
hand, Luke traversed the grating toward the corner of the cave,
struggling to maintain his grip as the audience jeered his efforts.
One hand slipped on the oily grid, and he dangled precariously over
the baying mutant.
"Two jawas ran across the top of the grate. They mashed
Luke's fingers with their rifle butts; once again, the crowd roared
their approval.
"The Rancor pawed at Luke from below, but the Jedi dangled
just out of reach. Suddenly Luke released his hold and dropped directly
into the eye of the howling monster; he then tumbled to the floor.
"The Rancor screamed in pain and stumbled, swatting its
own face to knock away the agony. It ran in cirles a few times,
then spotted Luke again and came at him." 4
1 - The Propstore of London
2 - Return of the Jedi Storybook, Joan D. Vinge; published by Scholastic,
Inc., 1983.
3 - starwars.com
4 - Return of the Jedi novelization by James Khan, a Del RayŽ book,
published by Ballantine Books. |
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