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Return Of The Jedi
unused footage

Episode VI: Return of the Jedi

unused footage: The Battle of Endor

There is some evidence of additional goings-on during the Battle of Endor which did not make the film's final cut. Among these are the actions of General Crix Madine, the rebels' B-Wing squadron, and Moff Jerjerrod aboard the Death Star II. While there is not sufficient material available to recreate these scenes and moments as they were to have played out, the following presention gives a basic sense of such activities.

General Crix Madine

Last seen during the rebel briefing, General Madine commands a Calamarian Cruiser during the Battle of Endor.

click to enlarge1 click to enlarge2

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click to enlarge5 The elated Madine cheers for a Rebel success during the fight.

Go to Commentary:

Blue Group - B-Wing Squadron

about 10 seconds of disc 2, track 5 (0:56-1:05) on ROTJ:SE soundtrack unused - could have partially intended for introduction of Blue Group and perhaps Madine.

Moff Jerjerrod

In the ROTJ novelization, a scene is included in which Jerjerrod rotates the Death Star to fire on the moon of Endor. Though not included on the tentative shooting schedule nor any available screenplay drafts, had this scene been filmed, it would likely have been on the control room set.

click to enlarge6 The control room set, as shown during the film's opening scenes.

Quote novel here:

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Moff Jejerrod takes a commanding position in the Death Star control room.

click to enlarge


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